Sophos Cloud

With the continued rise of ‘Next Generation’ Anti-Virus like Sophos Intercept X and PaloAlto Traps the question from many SysAdmins might be well how do I deploy these?

If you are looking at Intercept X and you already are Running Sophos Central (with Endpoint Protection) the simple answer is a press a few buttons in the Admin Console.

In short, login to Sophos Central ( go to Endpoint Protection > Computers > Manage Endpoint Software > Intercept X > Add your computers from the displayed list > click Save.

For a more in depth walkthrough take a look at the screenshots below. One quick note – due to the changing nature of Sophos Central (previously Sophos Cloud) its quite possible that the look/feel of the Admin Console will have changed between the time I published this article and you read it.

Once you have deployed Intercept X to your existing machines be sure to update your installers to use when deploying new computers. You can download these from the ‘Protect Devices’ button on the Admin Console Dashboard.


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