Thin Client
Before I go much further into this article I will say – there is no one answer to how much power does a PC consume. You have to take into consideration the internal components (particularly the CPU and if the PC uses a HDD or SSD), the age of the PC, the efficacy of its PSU and also how far its components are pushed.
The simplest way to determine how much power your PC uses is to buy yourself a relatively cheap power meter like this one on Amazon which I got for a little under £10.
All the same the video below shows a selection of the various types of PCs I have to hand and how much they consume, a further write up is over the page.
A little while ago the guys at Axel let me borrow one of their M80 thin clients to try out with Citrix VDI-in-a-Box and also Microsoft RDS (Server 2008 R2) and I’m happy to say I can easily see this as a good thin client to use in the office although I have my reservations about use in classroom.
This review takes a look at some things that wern’t in the video (also makes some corrections to the video) and should help to give you a better overview of what the Axel M80 thin client can do. Continue reading
As promised to those that came along to the recent VDI Demo Day the PowerPoint slides are below with the video playlist above.
1 - Intro Slides (583.2 KiB, 2,080 hits)
3 - Fitzharrys School - Presentation (1.2 MiB, 2,676 hits)
5 - App-V - Presentation (531.1 KiB, 1,985 hits)
The day covered a wide range of topics from how to setup a Citrix VDI-in-a-Box proof of concept, the options for thin clients from 10zig and how to take things one step further with Application Virtulisation through App-V.
I feel that the day was quite the success with 20 people from 16 schools attending, not only did we have people from our county of Oxfordshire come along but also as far as Bedfordshire and London.
Either way now its back to work, after all this backup server and Lync phones won’t set up themselves!
This easy……