
Little bit of an interesting issue that I came across today that I thought I would share…

One of our staff was having issues working with PowerPoint 2007 which we deploy through App-V 4.6 – basically the mouse would stop working normally acting as if something else was clicking on part of display. When running PowerPoint the entire PC would have the odd mouse behaviour (Start Menu, Windows Explorer and other MS Office programs) however when running any of the other Office applications (Word/Excel) the mouse didn’t show this odd behaviour.

What we found in the end is that the staff member had recently installed a trail of SMARTBoard Notebook on his PC (we are all Promethean IWBs here) and after uninstalling that the mouse worked fine!

So I don’t know if its a App-V issue that doesn’t play well with SMARTBoard or something else but either way that is the fix that we found that works!

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Microsoft Surface RT

In this video I look at how you can run a full PowerPoint presentation from your Microsoft Surface RT tablet PC.

The key thing about Windows RT over other mobile operating systems is the inclusion of a full version of Office 2013 which includes Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

This means if you go to present a PowerPoint that you made on your desktop it will show the same on your Windows tablet as well – animations included (something you wont get for sure on the cut down editions on other tablet PCs).

The other thing that surface holds above all others is its inclusion of a full USB port and mini HDMI (adaptable to VGA) port – this added advantage of a USB port means you can use your wireless presentation remote just as you would on a notebook PC.

So to find out more sit back relax and watch the video above 🙂