The next stop in this series of posts is your App-V Sequencing machine, in this case I will be running the sequencer as a virtual machine running in Hyper-V with a snapshot created to restore back to a clean machine quickly if needed.
3. Get the App-V sequencing going (but in a particular way)
Getting your Adobe software through the sequencer isn’t that much different from most other programs, the basics are you run a silent installer, include an additional folder in the Q drive (that one with the licence file/serialization file in) and also add something into the OSD file which activates Adobe each time you run it.
One thing you will need is a little bit later on is a snippet of script which I have put below to make it easy to copy/paste in.
CS6 Serial Code (241 bytes, 3,167 hits)
Everything else you need is in the screen shots below 🙂
4. Editing the OSD and adding in a script
This is the bit where the script above comes in handy so pay attention to where it goes and everything will be fine
5. Upload to App-V server and deploy
If you have gotten this far then you should know how to upload a package to your App-V server so I’ll leave you to do that in peace and move onto the next post in this serie
Thumbs up if this article helped you 🙂 Sequencing Adobe CS6 for App-V – Part 2, the sequencing,
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