If you have a shiny new AudioCodes Mediant 1000 E-SBC with a CRMX-C CPU module and a need to factory reset it then this is the guide for you!
Looking at the front of the SBC (photo above) just to the right hand side of the second network port status light is a tiny little hole – perfect for a paperclip. Push and hold the button inside there down for roughly 10 seconds and you will see the fourth network port status light turn red to indicate something interesting is happening. After 10 seconds let go of the button and give the E-SBC time to reboot and restore its settings to factory default (I have found about 8 minutes should be enough time).
One the restore is complete the device will set its management IP address to; once you reach the web based management console the default username and password is Admin and Admin.
Thumbs up if this article helped you 🙂 How to Factory Reset a AudioCodes Mediant 1000 E-SBC with a CRMX-C Module,
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